It’s Time To Put Your Cannabis Stems To Good Use

The stems on your cannabis nugs may seem like a nuisance when you do not know what to do with them. What you may not know is that the cannabis stems also contain THC.

But what do you do with them? No, do not start shoveling them in your mouth because that will do nothing. Let’s involve a bit of science, get creative, and enjoy a wide variety of different conduits for your next high.

It is important to note that not all stems are created equal. A analysis of cannabis stems by MCR Labs showed that stems can range from 1–9% THC. So brew carefully and slowly dose yourself if you are inexperienced.

It is hard to say how many stems to use. Based on the above analysis, 1 gram of stems could contain anywhere from 10-90 mg of THC. A very large range and you could accidentally find yourself greened out.


Yes, good ol’ cannabutter. Your cannabis stems can be used to infuse THC into your butter. That means that any recipe that uses butter will be the perfect recipe to get you high.

This is the most common method because the butter is so versatile. Melt butter into a saucepan on Medium heat, let simmer (not boil), add stems, let simmer for 2-3 hours, strain through cheesecloth.

That is a quick overview, but if interested, here is a in-depth guide on how to make cannabutter.


Infusing different items with liquor has been a popular trend for awhile. Whether it was fruit or even gummy bears – you can soak them in vodka to have a tasty treat.

Your first step is to decarboxylate your cannabis stems. This is important because it will convert all of the THC-A into THC so you can receive that psychoactive high. Here is a quick guide on how to decarboxylate your cannabis, if needed.

Now grab those cannabis stems, throw them in a mason jar with the vodka, and let it sit for a few days (stirring occasionally). Bottoms up!

Have fun impressing your friends with your sweet bartending skills and cannabis chemistry.

Stem Hash Oil

Try this out if you are a fan of hash and want to get real fancy.

Grind your weed stems down into a find powder, add the powder to a glass jar with 99% isopropyl alcohol and shake vigorously for two minutes.

Strain immediately and transfer the liquid to a wide-bottomed glass dish. Set the dish to the side and let all of the alcohol evaporate.

You will be left with a smokable oil that will give you a powerful high.

Cannabis-Infused Tea

Cannabis-infused tea gives you a large of options when it comes to what flavor tea you want to drink. We recommend getting a tea-ball because you can craft exactly what herbs and “herbs”  you want to drink.

Take your tea herbs (cut a tea packet open and remove the insides if you are not fancy) and place them in the tea-ball with your pre-decarboxylated cannabis stems. Close the tea-ball and let it steep in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

Drink up and enjoy our mellow body high!

Now that you are aware that cannabis stems are so valuable, please save them up so you can treat yourself with an infused-cannabis concoction.