Can You Use Cannabis As A Medicine For Children?

It is extremely controversial to use cannabis as a medicine for children. Many people are wondering whether it is ethical to treat children with medical cannabis. 

Whereas it might be reasonable not to prescribe marijuana to children for a cold or sore throat, there are circumstances where it is extremely effective medicine.

As the attitude towards cannabis becomes more open across the world, doctors are becoming more open to treating certain illnesses in children with cannabis. Prescribing cannabis to a child is a big deal for most doctors, and so they do not take it lightly. However, when it comes to treating the symptoms of epilepsy, such as constant seizures, it is becoming more widely known that using cannabis is okay.

So far as science is able to see, children who are suffering from epilepsy or extreme pain receive incredible benefits from using CBD in particular. With the introduction of CBD only medicine, it became more appropriate to treat children because it does not give a psychedelic effect.

In fact, for many of these children, cannabis offers a safe and non-chemical way to treat their conditions.

And for more still, without the side effects that they are likely experiencing from their current pharmaceutical medication. What makes cannabis as a medicine for children safe is that it has no negative long term effects.

This subject is definitely a matter of ethics and providing the best possible treatment for children.

A lot of the fear surrounding this is completely unwarranted and comes from an older stigma about cannabis and its associations. However, as the world of marijuana changes, so too should the attitude towards using it as medicine. There are many children around the world who can and will benefit from using cannabis as a treatment. We have already seen so many success stories, and there certainly will be more.