Cannabis Oil, Cannabidol (“CBD”)

Most of us have heard about the medicinal benefits that CBD alleges to have on children who suffer from Epilepsy. This is a tough one for parents, as CBD is illegal in some countries. The banning of CBD in some jurisdictions is not simply down to banning an illegal drug, but more to do with the Tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”) levels. CBD and THC are both found in the marijuana plant, but the THC component gives you the High! Therefore, it is easy to see why researches are more open to investigating the properties of CBD.


It has been reported that children suffering from uncontrollable epilepsy who started taking CBD, have seen a drop in the amount of seizures. As Governments across the Globe try to deal with legislation on the importation, sale and distribution of CBD products, parents are left with little choice but to live in a country where it is legal, or face charges if found in possession of CBD.


Extensive research has been carried out on CBD, but more research is called for. A study conducted by the New York University Langone Comprehensive Epilepsy Centre found 6% of its participants suffered side effects and subsequently dropped out, but those that completed the study were found to have a decrease in their seizures of 54%.


On the 30th December, 2016, The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the United Kingdom (the “MHRA”) issued a press release to say that they “will now work with individual companies and trade bodies in relation to making sure products containing CBD, used for a medical purpose, which can be classified as medicines, satisfy the legal requirements of the Human Medicines Regulations, 2012”. Although this looks like a good thing for those waiting impatiently on an answer, it still gives no definitive timeline as to when this will come to pass.