The Granddaddy Purple is a hybrid with a perfect balance of Sativa and Indica ratio. It is a crossbreed that was produced by using Purple U...
The White Widow is a sativa-dominant strain with a THC level ranging between 18 to 25 percent. It is a very well-known strain in the United S...
Don’t let the “crack” in Green Crack’s name fool you, this is serious cannabis. There are few strains that come close to the level of energy and focus of the mind, that one can get after a powerful inhale of Green Crack. It will ...
Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid crossed between the Blueberry strain and Haze strain and was created around 2003. This strain is mainly used for medici...
The human body activates the immune system to temporarily protect you from external threats by inducing inflammation, but chronic inflammation leads t...
The $1.1 trilion spending bill states that Justice Department funds can not be used to interfere with the popular laws.. aka no war on medical marijuana
Jeff Sessions is infamously known for his anti-marijuana stance. He has recently stated: